Action History Drama Adventure
In 1520, the notorious and power-hungry Danish King Christian II is determined to seize the Swedish crown from Sten Sture, no matter what it takes. Meanwhile, sisters Freja and Anne make a solemn promise to seek revenge on the men who brutally murdered their family. Everything comes to a head in the heart of Stockholm, where the sisters are drawn into a ruthless political struggle between Sweden and Denmark that culminates in a mass execution, presided over by the mad King "Christian the Tyrant," known as the Stockholm Bloodbath.
Directed by
Mikael Håfström
Written by
Erlend Loe, Nora Landsrød
Emily Beecham
Kristina Gyllenstierna
Sophie Cookson
Anne Eriksson
Ulrich Thomsen
Hemming Gadh
Alba August
Freja Eriksson
Thoren Ferguson
Matias Varela
Claes Bang
King Kristian
Kate Ashfield
Jakob Oftebro
Gustave Trolle
Thomas Chaanhing
Niall Bishop
Mikkel Boe Følsgaard
Didrik Slagheck
Claes Ljungmark
Sean Duggan
Bishop Hans Brask
Declan Hannigan
Ulf Eriksson
Wilf Scolding
Johan Natt och dag
Wayne Brett
Bishop Vincentius Bellenack
Adam Pålsson
Sten Sture
Eszter Ónodi
Maria Eriksson
Jeremy Wheeler
Zámbó István
Albrecht Gablein
Viktor Filep
Hans Gablein
Roland Kollárszky
Holger The Dane
Anders Grundberg
Daniel Eriksson
Samuel Håfström
Lars Eriksson
Charlotta Lövgren
Miss Gertrud
Paul Brodie
Botulf Botulfsson
Kornélia Harmath
Magdalena Sture
Anabelle Daisy Grundberg
Iliana Sture
Balint Fenyvesi
Jim Cargill

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