Animation Action Comedy
Part 4 of 6 for the final chapter of Girls und Panzer series. Ooarai Girls' Academy is in an unprecedented pinch battle with Continuation (Jaktkosota) High School, after the loss of important teammates at the onset of the match. Meanwhile, the battle between Kuromorimine and St. Gloriana is also a breathtakingly fierce battle. The Kuromorimine captain, Erica Itsumi is met by her difficult opponent, the St. Gloriana captain, Darjeeling. Who will grab the ticket to the finals?
Directed by
Tsutomu Mizushima
Ai Kayano
Saori Takebe (voice)
Eri Kitamura
Darjeeling (voice)
Hitomi Nabatame
Erika Itsumi (voice)
Mamiko Noto
Mika (voice)
Mai Fuchigami
Miho Nishizumi (voice)
Hitomi Takeuchi
Azusa Sawa (voice)

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