Family Adventure Animation Comedy Fantasy
Stowing away after a failed con, a pair of swindlers end up on El Dorado, the fabled "city of gold", where they quickly get in over their heads when they are mistaken as gods by the inhabitants.
Directed by
Bibo Bergeron, Don Paul
Kenneth Branagh
Miguel (voice)
Frank Welker
Altivo (voice)
Armand Assante
Tzekel-Kan (voice)
Edward James Olmos
Chief (voice)
Tobin Bell
Zaragoza (voice)
Rosie Perez
Chel (voice)
Jim Cummings
Cortes (voice)
Kevin Kline
Tulio (voice)
Elton John
Narrator (voice)
Elijah Chiang
Kid #1 (voice)
Cyrus Shaki-Khan
Kid #2 (voice)

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