Action Drama
Talented rookie race-car driver Jimmy Bly has started losing his focus and begins to slip in the race rankings. It's no wonder, with the immense pressure being shoveled on him by his overly ambitious promoter brother as well as Bly's romance with his arch rival's girlfriend Sophia. With much riding on Bly, car owner Carl Henry brings former racing star Joe Tanto on board to help Bly. To drive Bly back to the top of the rankings, Tanto must first deal with the emotional scars left over from a tragic racing accident which nearly took his life.
Directed by
Renny Harlin
Sylvester Stallone
Joe Tanto
Gina Gershon
Cathy Heguy
Robert Sean Leonard
Demille Bly
Estella Warren
Sophia Simone
Til Schweiger
Beau Brandenburg
Burt Reynolds
Carl Henry
Stacy Edwards
Lucretia Clan
Jane Moffat
Kip Pardue
Jimmy Bly
Jacques Villeneuve
Race Car Driver
Brent Briscoe
Michael Boisvert
Japan Reporter #1
Cristián de la Fuente
Memo Moreno
Verona Pooth
Dan Duran
Commentator #1
Liz West
Radio Reporter
Phillip MacKenzie
Dealership Reporter
Roberto Moreno
Race Car Driver
Jasmin Wagner
Jake Simons
Carl's Assistant
Kolja Spori
Richard Zeppieri
Toronto Reporter #1
Dario Franchitti
Race Car Driver
Wayne Best
Target Manager
Jean Alesi
Race Car Driver
Kenny Bräck
Race Car Driver
Alexandre Tagliani
Race Car Driver
Brett Heard
Michael Andretti
Race Car Driver
Chip Ganassi
Team Owner
Jeffrey Knight
Party Reporter
Tino Monte
Toronto Reporter #2
Edward A. Queffelec
Tony Kanaan
Race Car Driver
Juan Pablo Montoya
Race Car Driver
John Della Penna
Team Manager
Cristiano Da Matta
Race Car Driver
Rob Smith
Commentator #2
Brian Heighton
Toronto Photographer
Luukas Harlin
Driver's Son
Peter Kosaka
Japanese Tourist
Frank Blanch
Barry Stillwell
Patrick Carpentier
Race Car Driver
Adrián Fernández
Race Car Driver
Christian Fittipaldi
Race Car Driver
Luiz Garcia Jr.
Race Car Driver
Mauricio Gugelmin
Race Car Driver
Michel Jourdain Jr.
Race Car Driver
Max Papis
Race Car Driver
Oriol Servia
Race Car Driver
Paul Tracy
Race Car Driver
Jimmy Vasser
Race Car Driver

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