Drama History War
One dark night during the early phases of WWII, the Italian Royal Navy submarine Cappellini sinks an armed merchant ship sailing with lights out. At that moment, its commander Salvatore Todaro makes a decision that was destined to go down in history: to save the 26 shipwrecked Belgians who otherwise would have drowned in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and disembark them at the nearest safe harbor. To make room for them on board his submarine, he is forced to navigate on the surface of the water for three days, visible to the enemy forces and endangering his life and that of his men.
Directed by
Edoardo De Angelis
Pierfrancesco Favino
Salvatore Todaro
Arturo Muselli
Danilo Stiepovich
Luca Chikovani
Leonardo Barletta
Cecilia Bertozzi
Giuseppe Brunetti
Gigino Magnifico
Paolo Bonacelli
Diego Guerra
Johan Heldenbergh
Georges Vogels
Pietro Angelini
Ivano Leandri
Massimiliano Rossi
Vittorio Marcon
Mario Russo
Salvatore Minniti
Silvia D'Amico
Rina Todaro
Giovanni Esposito
Alessandro Bandini
Enrico Lesen d'Aston
Johannes Wirix
Jacques Reclercq
Lucas Tavernier
Giuseppe Lo Piccolo
Pietro Bono
Gianluca Di Gennaro
Vincenzo Stumpo
Giulio Greco
De Angelis
Arianna di Claudio
Giustiniano Alpi
Giacomo Bottoni
Athos Fraternale
Olivier Langhendries
Von Wettern
Andrea Ferrara
Antonio Mulargia
Simone Bonelli
Lucio Veronesi
Gianluca Polo

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