Comedy Romance Drama
An unhappy young couple visit the infamous Kellogg spa in Battle Creek, Michigan while a young hustler tries get into the breakfast-cereal business and compete against John Kellogg's corn flakes.
Directed by
Alan Parker
Anthony Hopkins
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg
John Cusack
Charles Ossining
Lara Flynn Boyle
Ida Muntz
Bridget Fonda
Eleanor Lightbody
Matthew Broderick
William Lightbody
Colm Meaney
Dr. Lionel Badger
Camryn Manheim
Virginia Cranehill
Dana Carvey
George Kellogg
Michael Goodwin
Dr. Frank Linniman
Marianne Muellerleile
Nurse Bloethal
Michael Lerner
Goodloe Bender
Traci Lind
Nurse Irene Graves
John Neville
Endymion Hart-Jones
Carole Shelley
Mrs. Hookstratten
Roy Brocksmith
Poultney Dab
Marshall Efron
Bartholomew Bookbinder
Monica Parker
Mrs. Tindermarsh
Norbert Weisser
Dr. Spitzvogel
Jacob Reynolds
Young George Kellogg
Frank Ferrara
Mark Jeffrey Miller
John Stoneham Sr.
Richard K. Olsen
Fox Fur Man
Gabriel Barre
Desk Clerk
John Henry Scott
Bath Attendant
Aleksandr Slanksnis
Mr. Unpronounceable
Robert Tracey
Ernest O'Reilly
Ann Tucker
Jemila Ericson
Mrs. Kellogg
Jean Wenderlich
Joanne Pankow
Laughing Lady
Mary Jane Corry
Rich Valliere
Reporter #1
George Nannarello
Reporter #2
David Kraus
Laughing Instructor
D. Anthony Pender
Waiter on Train
Mary Lucy Bivins
Woman on Train
William Hempel
Richard H. Thornton
Mr. Abernathy
Lisa Altomare
Mrs. Portois
Jim Bath
Madeline Shaw
Waitress #1
Barbara Phillips
Waitress #2
Lindsay Hutchinson Berte
Breathing Instructor
Denise S. Bass
Charlotte H. Ballinger
San Guest
Ann Deagon
Fox Fur Woman
Thomas Myers Jr.
Process Server
Beth Bostic
Miss Jarvis
Kerry Maher
Sam Garner
Dean Mumford

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