Animation Comedy Family Action
To keep their annual Holiday Heist-tacular afloat, Mr. Wolf and his crew of animal outlaws will have to restore the whole city's Christmas spirit — fast!
Directed by
Bret Haaland
Written by
Katherine Nolfi
Kari Wahlgren
DJ Trudy Tude / Holiday Shopper (voice)
Keith Silverstein
Gary / Shaved Ice Vendor (voice)
Chris Diamantopoulos
Snake (voice)
Zehra Fazal
Tiffany Fluffit (voice)
Stephanie Sheh
Mallory Low
Tarantula (voice)
Michael Godere
Wolf (voice)
Ezekiel Ajeigbe
Shark (voice)
Raul Ceballos
Piranha (voice)
Elizabeth Chun

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