Animation Family
The Action Pack teams up with Santa Claus to save the day when greedy Teddy Von Taker plots to steal all of the Christmas cheer from Hope Springs.
Directed by
James Lopez, Seung Woo Cha
Written by
Shea Fontana
Jason Maybaum
Teddy Von Taker / Taker Tots (voice)
Jason Hightower
Santa / Phil Donut (voice)
Lotus Blossom
Abby / Gabby / Maddy (voice)
Kimberly Brooks
Jackie / Nelly (voice)
Sydney Thomas
Treena (voice)
Oscar Daniel Reyez
Watts (voice)
Julieta Cortes
Wren (voice)
Nevin Kar
Clay (voice)
Giancarlo Sabogal
Mr. Ernesto (voice)
Cold Snap (voice)

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