Action Adventure Drama Fantasy
It is the Edo Period. Younosuke, Nami, and Koutaro of the Hayate School and Ikkaku and Ikki of the Ikazuchi School are confronted by Oiranda and Aunja of the "Seven Spears of Darkness" and then Teruhime, whom the two Ikazuchi School members guard, is attacked. They were after the "Tenshoishi" ("Ascension Stone"), a stone said to be capable of destroying the world, which was in Teruhime's possession. Just when all seemed to be lost, the Hurricangers and the Gouraigers suddenly appear, having traveled back in time from the future, and a fierce battle ensues.
Directed by
Katsuya Watanabe
Written by
Keiko Tani
Nao Nagasawa
Nanami Nono / HurricaneBlue
Kenji Nomura
Shoko Takada
Oboro Hinata
Taiki Matsuno
Ken Nishida
Mugensai Hinata
Shun Shioya
Yousuke Shiina / HurricaneRed
Nobuo Kyô
Isshuu Kasumi / KuwagaRaiger
Nagi Hasegawa
Hana Hizuki
Kohei Yamamoto
Kouta Bitou / HurricaneYellow
Yujiro Shirakawa
Ikkou Kasumi / KabutoRaiger
Hazuki Kimura

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