Romance Drama
When spirited young woman, Fanny Price is sent away to live on the great country estate of her rich cousins, she's meant to learn the ways of proper society. But while Fanny learns 'their' ways, she also enlightens them with a wit and sparkle all her own.
Directed by
Patricia Rozema
Embeth Davidtz
Mary Crawford
James Purefoy
Tom Bertram
Anna Popplewell
Lindsay Duncan
Mrs. Price / Lady Bertram
Hugh Bonneville
Mr. Rushworth
Jonny Lee Miller
Edmund Bertram
Sophia Myles
Susan "Susie" Price
Frances O'Connor
Fanny Price
Victoria Hamilton
Maria Bertram Rushworth
Justine Waddell
Julia Bertram
Sheila Gish
Mrs. Norris
Charles Edwards
Bruce Byron
Carriage Driver
Alessandro Nivola
Mr. Henry Crawford
Hilton McRae
Mr. Price
Hannah Taylor-Gordon
Young Fanny
Talya Gordon
Young Susan
Elizabeth Eaton
Young Maria
Elizabeth Earl
Young Julia
Philip Sarson
Young Edmond
Danny Worters
Boy with Bird Cart
Gordon Reid
Dr. Winthrop
Jack Murphy
Ballroom Dancer
Peter Curtis
Ballroom Dancer
Emma Flett
Ballroom Dancer
Wendy Woodbridge
Ballroom Dancer

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