Fantasy Drama Horror Romance
Aging publisher Will Randall is at the end of his rope when a younger co-worker snatches his job out from under his nose. But after being bitten by a wolf, Will suddenly finds himself full of youthful vigor. As he struggles to regain his position, he becomes enthralled with Laura Alden, his former boss's daughter. And, as increasingly animal-like urges begin to overwhelm him, Randall worries that he may be turning into the creature that bit him.
Directed by
Mike Nichols
James Spader
Stewart Swinton
Michelle Pfeiffer
Laura Alden
David Schwimmer
Jack Nicholson
Will Randall
Richard Jenkins
Detective Carl Bridger
Allison Janney
Party Guest
Lisa Emery
Party Guest
Justin Kirk
Laura's Brother (uncredited)
Christopher Plummer
Raymond Alden
Ron Rifkin
Starletta DuPois
Victim's Mother
Prunella Scales
Maude Waggins
Om Puri
Dr. Vijay Alezais
Peter Gerety
David Hyde Pierce
Roy McCallister
Kate Nelligan
Charlotte Randall
Joanna Sanchez
Eileen Atkins
Brian Markinson
Detective Wade
William Hill
Party Guest
Kirby Mitchell
Party Guest
Bradford English
Madhur Jaffrey
Party Guest
Jose Soto
Gang Member
Thomas F. Duffy
Stewart J. Zully
Tom Oppenheim
Shirin Devrim
Party Guest
Cynthia O'Neal
Party Guest
Timothy Thomas
Party Guest
Leigh Carlson
Party Guest
Alice Liu
Party Guest
Max Weitzenhoffer
Party Guest
Irene Cagen
Office Worker
Jennifer Nicholson
Office Worker
Jack Nisbet
Office Worker
Dale Kasman
Office Worker
Jeffrey Allen O'Den
Office Worker
Van Bailey
Gang Member
Dwayne McClary
Gang Member
Eva Rodriguez
Lia Chang
Desk Clerk
Christopher Birt
Kaity Tong
TV Newscaster

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