Drama Horror Thriller Crime
When Maggie's sister Jenna saddles her with an autistic newborn named Cody she touches Maggie's heart and becomes the daughter she has always longed for. But six years later Jenna suddenly re-enters her life and, with her mysterious new husband, Eric Stark, abducts Cody. Despite the fact that Maggie has no legal rights to Cody, FBI agent John Travis takes up her cause when he realizes that Cody shares the same birth date as several other recently murdered children.
Directed by
Chuck Russell
Christina Ricci
Cheri Post
Rufus Sewell
Eric Stark
Kim Basinger
Maggie O'Connor
Michael Gaston
Det. Frank Bugatti
Ian Holm
Reverend Grissom
Peter Mensah
Good Samaritan Janitor
Jimmy Smits
Agent John Travis
Eugene Lipinski
Angela Bettis
Henry Kingi
Holliston Coleman
Lumi Cavazos
Sister Rosa
Matthew Lemche
New Dawn Kid at Van
Debbie Lee Carrington
Helen Stenborg
Sister Joseph
Anne Betancourt
Dimitra Arliss
Dan Warry-Smith
New Dawn Kid

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