Crime Drama Thriller
The Limey follows Wilson, a tough English ex-con who travels to Los Angeles to avenge his daughter's death. Upon arrival, Wilson goes to task battling Valentine and an army of L.A.'s toughest criminals, hoping to find clues and piece together what happened. After surviving a near-death beating, getting thrown from a building and being chased down a dangerous mountain road, the Englishman decides to dole out some bodily harm of his own.
Directed by
Steven Soderbergh
Written by
Lem Dobbs
Luis Guzmán
Eduardo Roel
Melissa George
Jennifer 'Jenny' Wilson
Lesley Ann Warren
Terence Stamp
Peter Fonda
Terry Valentine
Bill Duke
Head DEA Agent (uncredited)
Joe Dallesandro
Uncle John
Clement Blake
Pool Hall Bartender
Allan Graf
Gordon (Valentine's Head Bodyguard)
William Lucking
Warehouse Foreman
Matthew Kimbrough
Tom Johannson
John Cothran
Nicky Katt
Stacy the Hitman
Barry Newman
Jim Avery
Nancy Lenehan
Lady on Plane
Michaela Gallo
Young Jennifer
Steve Heinze
Larry (Valentine's Bodyguard)
Randy Lowell
Amelia Heinle
Johnny Sanchez
Wayne Pére
Pool Hall Creep
Carol White
Wilson's Wife (archive footage) (uncredited)
Rainbow Borden
Warehouse Sweeper
Brandon Keener
Excited Guy
Jeff Ramsey
Alex Perez
Teen Gun Dealer
Jose Perez
Teen Gun Dealer
Dwayne McGee
Brian Bennet
Jim Jenkins
Party Guy
Mark Gerschwin
Party Guy #2
Brooke Marie Bridges
Child Actress
Eva Rodriguez
Ed's Sister
James Earl Olmedo
Ed's Nephew
Jamie Lin Olmedo
Ed's Niece
Tom Pardoe
Party Bartender
David Ward
Edward Ford (Cab Driver) (uncredited)
Brian J. Williams

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