Sci-Fi Horror Thriller
Set in the 22nd century, when a battered salvage ship sends out a distress signal, the seasoned crew of the rescue hospital ship Nova-17 responds. What they find is a black hole--that threatens to destroy both ships--and a mysterious survivor whose body quickly mutates into a monstrous and deadly form.
Directed by
Jack Sholder, Francis Ford Coppola, Walter Hill
Robin Tunney
Danika Lund
James Spader
Nick Vanzant
Lou Diamond Phillips
Yerzy Penalosa
Angela Bassett
Dr. Kaela Evers
Peter Facinelli
Karl Larson
Robert Forster
A.J. Marley
Wilson Cruz
Benj Sotomejor
Kevin Sizemore
Rescue Leader (uncredited)
Allan Graf
Vanessa Marshall
Sweetie (voice)
Kerrigan Mahan
Troy Larson (voice)
Eddy Rice Jr.

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