Action Adventure Drama Thriller
North Korea's 8th Special Forces hijack a shipment of CTX, a potent new liquid explosive, and threatens South Korea as part of a plot to re-unify the two countries. Ryu and Lee, special agents of O.P., South Korea's secret intelligence service, attempt to track down the terrorists and find the CTX. Meanwhile Hee, the 8th's ultra-bad female sniper, resurfaces to wreak havoc and haunt Ryu.
Directed by
Kang Je-kyu
Written by
Park Je-hyun, Jeon Yun-su
Yunjin Kim
Lee Myung-hyun
Song Kang-ho
Lee Jang-gil
Han Suk-kyu
Yu Jong-won
Choi Min-sik
Park Mu-young
Hwang Jung-min
Special Investigation Team (cameo)
Lee Pil-mo
Special Agent, North Korean 8th Squad (uncredited)
Lee Jong-hyuk
Special Agent, North Korean 8th Squad (uncredited)
Kim Soo-ro
Ahn Hyun-chul
Ji Dae-han
OP Special Assault Team
Yoon Joo-sang
Chief Agent
Jang Hyun-sung
Special Investigation Team (uncredited)
Lee Seung-yeon
Park Yong-woo
Eo Seong-sik
Nam Myung-ryeol
Park Ji-il
Team Leader, Defense Research Institute
Heo Gi-ho
Seung-shin Lee
Special Agent, North Korean 8th Squad (uncredited)
Yoo Ha-bok
Jo Deok-hyeon
Lee Won-doo
Cho Seung-yeon
Special Investigation Team (uncredited)
Kim Min-su
Lee Do-Hyung
Yoon Hee-won
OP Special Assault Team
Son Ho-gyun
Im Bong-ju
Kim Sang-mi
Yeo Ho-min
OP Special Assault Team
Lee Jung-hoon
Lee Yoon-geon
OP Task Force Agent
Ha Duk-sung
Dr. Min
Han Young-su
OP Agent
Sung Gyu-chan
Hong Dal-pyo
Jeon Gi-gwang
Wu Sang-moo
Newspaper Collection Youth
Ra Kyung-duk
Jeong Seung-woo
OP Special Assault Team
Choi Yeong
Park Eun-sook
Lee Bang-hee

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