Crime Drama Mystery
New York gangster Ben 'Bugsy' Siegel takes a brief business trip to Los Angeles. A sharp-dressing womanizer with a foul temper, Siegel doesn't hesitate to kill or maim anyone crossing him. In L.A. the life, the movies, and most of all strong-willed Virginia Hill detain him while his family wait back home. Then a trip to a run-down gambling joint at a spot in the desert known as Las Vegas gives him his big idea.
Directed by
Barry Levinson
Wendie Malick
Woman On Train
Ben Kingsley
Meyer Lansky
Julie Strain
Bit Part (uncredited)
Harvey Keitel
Mickey Cohen
Ray McKinnon
David Hinton
Annette Bening
Virginia Hill
Bebe Neuwirth
Countess di Frasso
Warren Beatty
Ben 'Bugsy' Siegel
Elliott Gould
Harry Greenberg
Kimberly McCullough
Barbara Siegel
Wendy Phillips
Esta Siegel
Robert Beltran
Joe Mantegna
George Raft
Traci Lind
Natalie St. Clair
Anthony Russell
Jerry the Bookie
Eric Christmas
Ronald the Butler
Don Calfa
Louie Dragna
Andy Romano
Del Webb
Clive Rosengren
Deputy D.A. Hartman
Karen Russell
Carmine Caridi
Frank Costello
Lewis van Bergen
Joe Adonis
Robert Glaudini
Ralph Tabakin
Elevator Operator
Bruce Ed Morrow
D.A. McWilde
Bill Graham
Charles "Lucky" Luciano
Stefanie Mason
Millicent Siegel
Bryan Smith
Chick Hill
Joseph Roman
Moe Sedway
Don Carrara
Vito Genovese
Joe Baker
Lawrence Tibbett
Ksenia Prohaska
Marlene Dietrich

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