Animation Adventure Comedy Family
Made-for-TV special about a delivery man, his friends, and a talking ape mutating into quirky superheroes and fighting a mad scientist who wants to conquer their futuristic atomic city. Based on the eponymous NES video game.
Directed by
Chuck Patton
Written by
Bob Forward
Tim Curry
Atom Ed, The Floating Head (voice)
Whoopi Goldberg
Ms. Megawatt (voice)
Candi Milo
Buzzsaw Girl (voice)
April Winchell
Additional Voices (voice)
Gary Owens
Announcer (voice)
Charlie Adler
Dr. Mayhem (voice)
Pat Fraley
Jett Headstrong (voice)
Brian Stokes Mitchell
Monkey Kid (voice)
David Coburn
Toolbox (voice)
Richard Sher
Gary Winnick

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