Thriller Drama Mystery
Mika, heiress to a Swiss chocolate company, is married to celebrated pianist André and stepmother to his son, Guillaume, whose mother died in a car wreck on his tenth birthday. Their lives are interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Jeanne, a young woman who has learned she was almost switched with Guillaume at birth.
Directed by
Claude Chabrol
Isabelle Huppert
Marie-Claire 'Mika' Muller
Anna Mouglalis
Jeanne Pollet
Jacques Dutronc
André Polonski
Isolde Barth
Mathieu Simonet
Brigitte Catillon
Louise Pollet
Michel Robin
Rodolphe Pauly
Guillaume Polonski
Lydia Andréï
Sibylle Blanc
Véronique Alain
Madame le Maire
Jacqueline Burnand
François Germond
Antoinette Martin
Michel Moulin
Dorotea Brandin
Jean-Marie Daunas
Catherine Epars
Rodolphe Ittig
Nathalie Gaubicher
James Hauduroy
Anthony Glur
Alberto Soccorsi

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