Horror Comedy Romance Drama
Timmy Robinson's best friend in the whole wide world is a six-foot tall rotting zombie named Fido. But when Fido eats the next-door neighbor, Mom and Dad hit the roof, and Timmy has to go to the ends of the earth to keep Fido a part of the family. A boy-and-his-dog movie for grown ups, "Fido" will rip your heart out.
Directed by
Andrew Currie
Written by
Robert Chomiak, Andrew Currie, Dennis Heaton
Dylan Baker
Bill Robinson
Carrie-Anne Moss
Helen Robinson
Alexia Fast
Cindy Bottoms
Billy Connolly
Tim Blake Nelson
Mr. Theopolis
Rob LaBelle
Frank Murphy
Henry Czerny
Jonathan Bottoms
Mary Black
Mrs. Henderson
Sonja Bennett
Kesun Loder
Timmy Robinson
Doug Abrahams
Commanding Officer
Tiffany Lyndall-Knight
Miss Mills
Brandon Olds
Stan Fraser
Jennifer Clement
Dee Dee Bottoms
Aaron Brown
Roy Fraser

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