Drama Thriller Romance
Lewis, Sheriff and Tony are three friends vacationing in Malaysia. Sheriff and Tony eventually leave to pursue careers in New York, but Lewis stays behind to work with orangutans. Two years later, Sheriff and Tony learn that, because of their past actions, Lewis has been arrested for drug possession. With Lewis facing a death sentence, the friends are left with a difficult decision: return to Malaysia and split Lewis' sentence, or let him die.
Directed by
Joseph Ruben
Vera Farmiga
Vince Vaughn
John 'Sheriff' Volgecherev
Joaquin Phoenix
Lewis McBride
David Zayas
Construction Foreman
Jada Pinkett Smith
M.J. Major
Anne Heche
Beth Eastern
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Curzon Dobell
David Conrad
Tony Croft
Nick Sandow
Brette Taylor
Young Woman in Limo
Patrick Teoh
Chief Justice
Bruce Robinson
Joel de la Fuente
Mr. Doramin
James McCauley
Famous Divorce Lawyer
Deanna Yusoff
Woman in Bar
Kevin Scullin
Doorman #1
Ming Lee
Mr. Chandran
Richard Chang
Amy Wong
Ticket Agent
Is Issariya
Malaysian Woman in Hammock
Ed Hodson
Features Editor
Glenn Patrick
Doorman #2

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