Comedy Romance
Raphael is a ghostwriter who takes a job writing for famous footy player Kevin. To his delight and his girlfriend, Murials horror, Kevins current girlfriend is an old (easily rekindled) flame of Raphaels. A freak accident leaves a close friend dead and Raphael is forced to reconsider his priorities.
Directed by
Laurent Tirard
Marie-Josée Croze
Édouard Baer
Raphaël Jullian
Alice Taglioni
Clovis Cornillac
Judith El Zein
La yuppie 1
Jean-Christophe Bouvet
Éric Berger
Catherine Salviat
La directrice littéraire
Jean Dell
Le père de Raphaël
Dimitri Rafalsky
Le roi
Édith Le Merdy
La mère de Jeff
Christiane Bopp
La mère de Raphaël
Valérie Moreau
La sage-femme
David Marchal
Le mec 1
Jean-Michel Lahmi
Nuria Solé
La Top Model
Florence d'Azémar
La yuppie 2
Raphaël Fuchs-Willig
Raphaël ado
Xavier Vilsek
Le mec 2
Suzanne Legrand
La yuppie 3

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