Music Drama Romance
Rebbe Mendel is a single father who teaches the Talmud, a sacred text of Judaism, to the boys of his small Polish town. Behind closed doors, he also instructs his daughter, Yentl, despite the fact that girls are forbidden to study religious scripture. When Yentl's father dies, she still has a strong desire to learn about her faith -- so she disguises herself as a male, enrolls in a religious school, and unexpectedly finds love along the way.
Directed by
Barbra Streisand
Amy Irving
Miriam Margolyes
Lynda Baron
Mandy Patinkin
Barbra Streisand
Kerry Shale
Yeshiva Student
Steven Hill
Reb Alter Vishkower
Jonathan Tafler
Yeshiva Student
Nehemiah Persoff
Rebbe Mendel
Doreen Mantle
Mrs. Shaemen
Ian Sears
Allan Corduner
Alan Bergman
David de Keyser
Rabbi Zalman
Norma Atallah
Debra (uncredited)
Derek Lyons
Yeshiva Student (uncredited)
Bernard Spear
Danny Brainin
Yeshiva Student
Ruth Goring
Esther Rachel
Jack Lynn
Anna Tzelniker
Mrs. Kovner
Mary Henry
Mrs. Jacobs
Robbie Barnett
Tailor's Assistant
Frank Baker
Village Student
Anthony Dean Rubeš
Village Student
Gary Brown
Yeshiva Student
Peter Whitman
Yeshiva Student
Teddy Kempner
Yeshiva Student
Mark English
Yeshiva Student (uncredited)
Milena Glogarová
Woman on the Charles Bridge (uncredited)
Chris Parsons
Scholar (uncredited)
Peter Ross-Murray
Yeshiva Student (uncredited)
Beth Porter
Hadass' maid (uncredited)
Charles Marriott

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