Drama Horror Mystery
After the death of her daughter, wealthy housewife Julia Lofting abruptly leaves her husband and moves into an old Victorian home in London to re-start her life. All seems well until she is haunted by the sadness of losing her own child and the ghosts of other children.
Directed by
Richard Loncraine
Robin Gammell
David Swift
Mia Farrow
Julia Lofting
Tom Conti
Mark Berkeley
Keir Dullea
Magnus Lofting
Sophie Ward
Kate Lofting
Mary Morris
Greta Braden
Julian Fellowes
Library Attendant
Edward Hardwicke
Captain Paul Winter
Peter Sallis
Jeffrey Branscombe
Cathleen Nesbitt
Heather Rudge
Ann Mitchell
Woman in Park
Pauline Jameson
Claudia Branscombe
Denis Lill
Samantha Gates
Olivia Rudge
Michael Bilton
Jill Bennett
Lily Lofting
Nigel Havers
Estate Agent
Arthur Howard
Mr. Piggott
Anna Wing
Rosa Fludd
Susan Porrett
Mrs. Ward
Damaris Hayman
Miss Pinner

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