Crime Drama Thriller
Captivated by the lure of sudden wealth, the quiet rural lives of two brothers erupt into conflicts of greed, paranoia and distrust when over $4 million in cash is discovered at the remote site of a downed small airplane. Their simple plan to retain the money while avoiding detection opens a Pandora's box when the fear of getting caught triggers panicked behavior and leads to virulent consequences.
Directed by
Sam Raimi
Gary Cole
Billy Bob Thornton
Jacob Mitchell
Bill Paxton
Hank Mitchell
Bridget Fonda
Sarah Mitchell
Jill Sayre
Hospital Nurse
Becky Ann Baker
Nancy Chambers
Frank Beard
Funeral Party Member (uncredited)
Chelcie Ross
Carl Jenkins
Jake McKinnon
Brent Briscoe
Lou Chambers
Jack Walsh
Tom Butler
John Paxton
Mr. Schmitt
Spice Williams-Crosby
Tim Storms
Peter Syvertsen
FBI Agent Freemont
Nina Kaczorowski
Bar Patron
Bob Davis
FBI Agent Renkins
Tom Carey
Dwight Stephanson
Marie Mathay
News Reporter
Paul Magers
Joan Steffand
Wayne A. Evenson
Terry Hempleman
Dead Pilot
Jay Gjernes
Bearded Man
Solomon Abrams
Bar Patron
Thomas Boedy
Mary Woolever
Rhiannon R. Sauers
Girl on Sled
Christopher Gallus
Boy on Sled
Eric Cegon
Robert Martin Halverson
Roger Watton
Steven Gilmer
Funeral Director (uncredited)
Harve Cook
Christopher Slater
David Pollison
Mark Har
Marc Mann

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