History Drama
Spring 1945, Heinrich Zwygart, Swiss ambassador to Germany flees bombed-out Berlin after eight years of service in the capital of the Reich. This is the end of a terrible mandate, during which he had to make fatal compromises to preserve the neutrality and security of his country. He went through the war, but will he survive the peace?
Directed by
Laurent Nègre
Written by
Laurent Nègre
Jeff Burrell
Counsul Reynolds
Sabine Timoteo
Madame Bavaud
Manuela Biedermann
Clara Zwygart
Michael Neuenschwander
Heinrich Zwygart
Yann Philipona
Margherita Schoch
Sebastian Krähenbühl
Peter Wyssbrod
The Colonel
Victor Poltier
Maurice Bavaud
Simon Romang
Cléa Eden
Helene Zwygart
Yves Raeber
Marc Gerber
Dominik Gysin
Klaus Bauer
Ladislav Agabekov

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