Romance Drama
A woman finds a romantic letter in a bottle washed ashore and tracks down the author, a widowed shipbuilder whose wife died tragically early. As a deep and mutual attraction blossoms, the man struggles to make peace with his past so that he can move on and find happiness.
Directed by
Luis Mandoki
Kevin Costner
Garrett Blake
Hayden Panettiere
Girl on Sinking Boat
John Savage
Johnny Land
Paul Newman
Dodge Blake
Illeana Douglas
Lina Paul
Patricia Belcher
Raphael Sbarge
Robin Wright
Theresa Osborne
Mauricio Ochmann
Mail Boy
Robbie Coltrane
Charlie Toschi
Bethel Leslie
Marta Land
Steven Eckholdt
David Osborne
Richard Hamilton
Tom Aldredge
Hank Land
Erik Rondell
Jesse James
Jason Osborne
Walt MacPherson
Pete The Cop
Rosemary Murphy
Helen at the B&B
Viveka Davis
Elizabeth Guindi
Susan Brightbill
Catherine Land Blake
Norman Fessler
Office Worker#2

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