Adventure Animation Family
Once upon a time... in the far away kingdom of Dor... lived a brave and virtuous mouse with comically oversized ears who dreamt of becoming a knight. Banished from his home for having such lofty ambitions, Despereaux sets off on an amazing adventure with his good-hearted rat friend Roscuro, who leads him, at long last, on a very noble quest to rescue an endangered princess and save an entire kingdom from darkness.
Directed by
Robert Stevenhagen, Sam Fell
Emma Watson
Princess Pea (voice)
Sigourney Weaver
The Narrator (voice)
Robbie Coltrane
Gregory (voice)
Dustin Hoffman
Roscuro (voice)
Ciarán Hinds
Botticelli (voice)
Christopher Lloyd
Hovis (voice)
Matthew Broderick
Despereaux (voice)
Stanley Tucci
Boldo (voice)
Richard Jenkins
Principal (voice)
William H. Macy
Lester (voice)
Tony Hale
Furlough (voice)
Frances Conroy
Antoinette (voice)
Frank Langella
Mayor (voice)
Charles Shaughnessy
Pietro (voice)
Kevin Kline
Chef Andre (voice)
Tracey Ullman
Miggery Sow (voice)
McNally Sagal
Teacher (voice)

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