Family Comedy Animation Adventure
It’s time to chase that holiday spirit with Tom and Jerry! With magic in the air, Jerry and his nephew, Tuffy, make a snow mouse that miraculously comes to life! To keep their new friend, Larry the snow mouse from melting, Tuffy and Jerry must race him to the fabled Snowman’s Village. In hot pursuit, Tom and devious Dr. Doublevay have their own plans for Larry’s magic.
Directed by
Darrell Van Citters
Carlos Alazraqui
Floyd (voice)
Kath Soucie
Tuffy (voice)
Laraine Newman
Mrs. LePage (voice)
Kimberly Brooks
Snow Cop / Little Girl (voice)
Kevin Michael Richardson
Larry (voice)
Stephen Stanton
Doctor Doubleyay / Lightning (voice)
Regi Davis
Snow Mayor (voice)
Rick Zieff
Meathead / Narrator (voice)
Joey D'Auria
Butch (voice)
Will Finn

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