Crime Drama Thriller
When Bobby's car breaks down in the desert while on the run from some of the bookies who have already taken two of his fingers, he becomes trapped in the nearby small town where the people are stranger than anyone he's encountered. After becoming involved with a young married woman, her husband hires Bobby to kill her. Later, she hires Bobby to kill the husband.
Directed by
Oliver Stone
Joaquin Phoenix
Toby N. Tucker
Jennifer Lopez
Grace McKenna
Nick Nolte
Jake McKenna
Sean Penn
Bobby Cooper
Claire Danes
Jon Voight
Blind Man
Liv Tyler
Girl in Bus Station
Julie Hagerty
Billy Bob Thornton
Laurie Metcalf
Bus Station Clerk
Powers Boothe
Sheriff Virgil Potter
Bo Hopkins
Abraham Benrubi
Biker #1
Ilia Volok
Stephanie Finochio
Valeriy Nikolaev
Mr. Arkady
Brent Briscoe
Sheri Foster
Grace's Mother
Aida Linares
Sean Stone
Boy in Grocery Store
Annie Tien
Short Order Cook

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