Fantasy Animation Family Adventure
From a riddle-speaking butterfly, a unicorn learns that she is supposedly the last of her kind, all the others having been herded away by the Red Bull. The unicorn sets out to discover the truth behind the butterfly's words. She is eventually joined on her quest by Schmendrick, a second-rate magician, and Molly Grue, a now middle-aged woman who dreamed all her life of seeing a unicorn. Their journey leads them far from home, all the way to the castle of King Haggard.
Directed by
Arthur Rankin, Jr., Jules Bass
Jeff Bridges
Prince Lir (voice)
Angela Lansbury
Mommy Fortuna (voice)
Christopher Lee
King Haggard (voice)
René Auberjonois
The Skull (voice)
Keenan Wynn
Captain Cully / Harpy (voice)
Don Messick
The Cat (voice)
Mia Farrow
Unicorn / Amalthea (voice)
Robert Klein
The Butterfly (voice)
Alan Arkin
Schmendrick (voice)
Paul Frees
Mabruk (voice)
Tammy Grimes
Molly Grue (voice)
Ed Peck
Jack Jingley / Cully's Men (voice)
Theodore Gottlieb
Ruhk (voice)
Gerry Beckley
The Balladeer (voice) (uncredited)
Dewey Bunnell
The 2nd Balladeer (voice) (uncredited)
Jack Lester
Hunter #1 / Old Farmer / Cully's Men (voice)
Nellie Bellflower
The Tree (voice)
Ken Jennings
Hunter #2 / Cully's Men
Masahiro Yoshida

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