Drama History War
Jamie Graham, a privileged English boy, is living in Shanghai when the Japanese invade and force all foreigners into prison camps. Jamie is captured with an American sailor, who looks out for him while they are in the camp together. Even though he is separated from his parents and in a hostile environment, Jamie maintains his dignity and youthful spirit, providing a beacon of hope for the others held captive with him.
Directed by
Steven Spielberg
Ben Stiller
Christian Bale
John Malkovich
Joe Pantoliano
Frank Demarest
Paul McGann
Lieutenant Price
Robert Stephens
Mr. Lockwood
Barrie Houghton
British Prisoner
Burt Kwouk
Mr. Chen
Guts Ishimatsu
Sgt. Uchida
Miranda Richardson
Mrs. Victor
Leslie Phillips
Ralph Michael
Mr. Partridge
Rupert Frazer
Jim's Father
Nigel Havers
Dr. Rawlins
Masatô Ibu
Sgt. Nagata
Emily Richard
Jim's Mother
Sybil Maas
Mrs. Hug
Eric Flynn
British Prisoner
Marc de Jonge
Ralph Seymour
Tony Boncza
British Prisoner
Francesca Longrigg
British Prisoner
Takatarô Kataoka
Kamikaze Boy Pilot
James Greene
British Prisoner
James Walker
Mr. Radik
Zhai Naishe
Peter Gale
Mr. Victor
David Neidorf
Emma Piper
Amy Matthews
Jack Dearlove
Singing Prisoner
Anna Turner
Mrs. Gilmour
Ann Castle
Mrs. Phillips
Yvonne Gilan
Mrs. Lockwood
Simon Harrison
British Prisoner
Paula Hamilton
British Prisoner
Thea Ranft
British Prisoner
Nigel Leach
British Prisoner
Sheridan Forbes
British Prisoner
Peter Copley
British Prisoner
Barbara Bolton
British Prisoner
Samantha Warden
British Prisoner
Tom Danaher
Colonel Marshall
John Moore
Mr. Pym
Barrie Holland
European Diplomat (uncredited)

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