Mystery Thriller Horror Drama
In the aftermath of a fatal accident in a snowy village at the Eastern tip of Quebec, a screwed-up ex-pro snowboarder decides to pack up her cabin and leave town for good, but someone, or something - seems intent on stopping her.
Directed by
Gabriel Allard
Written by
Louis-Philippe Tremblay, Gabriel Allard, Paul Van Dyck, Catherine Bérubé, Marc Lapointe
Olivier Renaud
Fred Walker
Kimberly-Sue Murray
Alice Côté
Margaux Vaillancourt
Rachelle Gagnon
Catherine Bérubé
Mary-Jane Morris
Paul Doucet
Jacob 'Jake' Tremblay
Alexandre Nachi
Paul Van Dyck
Anna Beaupré Moulounda
Sébastien Rouleau
Damien Bérubé
Marc Lapointe
Coach Morris
Bineyam Girma

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