Comedy Romance
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Directed by
Norman Z. McLeod
Written by
Robert Halff, Mary C. McCall, Jr.
George Chandler
Fred (Uncredited)
James Flavin
Radio Policeman (Uncredited)
Jack Mulhall
Doctor (Uncredited)
Rose Hobart
Lead Woman (Uncredited)
Billy Bletcher
Workman (Uncredited)
Wheaton Chambers
Technician (Uncredited)
Kirk Alyn
Victory Aircraft Official (Uncredited)
Jim Davis
Investigator / Airport Announcer (Uncredited)
Douglas Fowley
Investigator (Uncredited)
Donald Curtis
Joe Peterson
John Qualen
Horatio Curley
Betty Jaynes
Harry Tenbrook
Man in Employment Line (Uncredited)
Roger Moore
Plant Worker (Uncredited)
Frances Rafferty
Worker (Uncredited)
Addison Richards
Chief Investigator (Uncredited)
Myron Healey
Young Pilot (Uncredited)
Marta Linden
Emmy Lou Grogan
Edgar Dearing
Radio Policeman (Uncredited)
Arthur Space
Instructor (Uncredited)
Lillian Yarbo
Jacqueline White
John Hodiak
Clerk (Uncredited)
Edward Hearn
Plant Guard (Uncredited)
Ann Sothern
Maisie Ravier
Karin Booth
Syd Saylor
Clerk (Uncredited)
Billy Wayne
First 'Woo Woo' Man (Uncredited)
William Bishop
Young Pilot (Uncredited)
Pierre Watkin
Kenne Duncan
Charlie (Uncredited)
Jean Rogers
Iris Reed
Mark Daniels
Clerk (Uncredited)
Chet Brandenburg
Plant Worker (Uncredited)
Eddie Borden
Courtroom Spectator (Uncredited)
Russell Gleason
Inspector (Uncredited)
Connie Gilchrist
Maw Lustvogel
Lee Phelps
Security Officer (Uncredited)
Dick Winslow
Flyer Lieutenant (Uncredited)
Harry Strang
Security Officer (Uncredited)
James Craig
Brian 'Breezy' McLaughlin
Kay Medford
Ann Wilson
Jimmy Conlin
Man at Meeting (Uncredited)
Emmett Vogan
Victory Aircraft Official (Uncredited)
Kay Deslys
Customer (Uncredited)
Pamela Blake
William H. O'Brien
Courtroom Spectator (Uncredited)
The Dog (Uncredited)
Eddy Chandler
Security Officer (Uncredited)
Robert Emmett O'Connor
Proprietor (Uncredited)
Frederick Brady
Judd Evans
Freddie Steele
Plant Worker (Uncredited)
Charles D. Brown
Curtis Glenby (Uncredited)
James Warren
Young Pilot (Uncredited)
Joe Yule
Clarence (Uncredited)
Harry Wiere
Harry Smith / Schmidt
Herbert Wiere
Herbert Smith / Schmidt
Sylvester Wiere
Sylvester Smith / Schmidt
Celia Travers
Helen Johnson
Margaret Adden
Elevator Girl (Uncredited)
Ernie Alexander
Dopey Caller (Uncredited)
Arthur Belasco
Fat Man in Cafe (Uncredited)
Happy Felton
Night Club MC (Uncredited)
Lois James
Nightclub Waitress (Uncredited)
Alex Papana
Waiter (Uncredited)
Tom Quinn
Bud (Uncredited)
Mae Roberts
Western Union Girl (Uncredited)
Patsy O'Byrne
Worker (Uncredited)
Byron Shores
Investigator (Uncredited)
Jack Gardner
Plant Guard (Uncredited)
Jack Shea
Plant Worker (Uncredited)
Monte Lee
Plant Worker (Uncredited)

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