Thriller Drama
Navy Lt. Tom Farrell meets a young woman, Susan Atwell , and they share a passionate fling. Farrell then finds out that his superior, Defense Secretary David Brice, is also romantically involved with Atwell. When the young woman turns up dead, Farrell is put in charge of the murder investigation. He begins to uncover shocking clues about the case, but when details of his encounter with Susan surface, he becomes a suspect as well.
Directed by
Roger Donaldson
Brad Pitt
Party Guest
Kevin Costner
Lt. Cmdr. Tom Farrell
Will Patton
Scott Pritchard
Sean Young
Susan Atwell
Gene Hackman
Defense Secretary David Brice
David Paymer
George Dzundza
Sam Hesselman
Marshall Bell
Howard Duff
Senator William 'Billy' Duvall
Fred Thompson
CIA Director Marshall
Leon Russom
Kevin O'Brien
Nina Beka
Nicholas Worth
Cup Breaker
Leo Geter
Ensign Fox
Dennis Burkley
Boat Renter
Gregory Avellone
Jason Bernard
Major Donovan
John D'Aquino
Lt. John Chadway
Charles Walker
Michael Shillo
Chris D.
June Chandler
Mrs. Brice
David Armstrong
Man in Crowd (uncredited)
Tony Webster

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