Comedy Drama
When her “midnight gymnasium” program for wayward teens is under the threat of being defunded, social worker Yanki puts together a dodgeball team to save it. With the help of an unemployed, has-been star jock as the coach, the motley crew of teen girls learn that dodging from their problems can work temporarily, but they must learn to eventually stand back up and overcome their challenges.
Directed by
Ying Chi-Wen
Written by
Ying Chi-Wen, Wong Chi-Yeung
Ekin Cheng Yee-Kin
Chin Ka-Lok
Tony Ho
Carlos Chan
Catherine Chau
Chung Suet-Ying
Joyce Cheng
Isabella Chan
Evelyn Choi
Chu Pak-Him
Gladys Li
Kenneth Cheung Moon-Yuen
Jim Yan Chi-Hong
Henick Chou
Cloud Wan
Feanna Wong
Alfred Hui
Viann Li
Ocean Wong
Sany Song
Pauline Yeung Yung-Lin
School Staff

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