Comedy Crime Thriller
Kyle Fisher has one last night to celebrate life as a single man before marrying Laura, so he sets out to Vegas with four of his best buddies. But a drug and alcohol filled night on the town with a stripper who goes all the way, turns into a cold night in the desert with shovels when the stripper goes all the way into a body bag after dying in their bathroom. And that's just the first of the bodies to pile up before Kyle can walk down the aisle...
Directed by
Peter Berg
Cameron Diaz
Laura Garrety
Christian Slater
Robert Boyd
Jeremy Piven
Michael Berkow
Kobe Tai
Jon Favreau
Kyle Fisher
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Lois Berkow
Daniel Stern
Adam Berkow
Leland Orser
Charles Moore
Joey Zimmerman
Adam Berkow Jr.
Lawrence Pressman
Mr. Fisher
Rob Brownstein
Blake Gibbons
Pancho Demmings
Russell B. McKenzie
Security Guard
Tyler Cole Malinger
Timmy Berkow
Brian Grandison
Doctor #1
John Cappon
Doctor #2
Steve Fitchpatrick
Cop at Hospital
Angelo Di Mascio Jr.
Linda Klein
Doctor #3

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